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Writer's pictureIosua Ioane Fānene

Gaelic words / Polynesian words, of gods and kings, and...Kingship descended from Heaven

========================== #Gaelic words / #Polynesian words, Of gods and kings, and... Kingship descended from Heaven ==========================

“The Stone of Destiny” Gaelic: LIA FÁIL Fáil = “Destiny”; “Talking”

Gaelic: LIA = “stone”

Sāmoan/Hawaiian: ‘ELE-A = “of earth”

ILI-A = “of pebbles”, “of small stones”, comes from:

‘ILI = “stones”, as of the pieces of the game #kōnane, the game of Polynesian kings, like a cross between checkers and draughts, however is uniquely a native Hawaiian game that existed before western contact A = “of”, “on account of”, “belonging to”

Transliteration key: L = ‘EL = IL I = E = I A = A = A


Sāmoan: FA’A-ILO = “to prophesy”; “to reveal” FA’A-LELEIA = “to speak with the voice of an aitu”; “to prophesy”; “to tell fortunes”

Transliteration key: F = F = F Á = A’A = A I = I = ‘A L = LO = LELEIA


‘ELE-A FA’A-ILO = “earthen mound of prophesying” ILI-A FA’ALELEIA = “stones of prophecy”; “stones of fortune-telling”


The #Lia #Fáil, or “#Stone of #Destiny” on #Tara #Hill in County #Kerry, #Ireland (#Éirínn) was traditionally a place of inauguration for the high kings of Ireland. The #High #Kings were appointed by priests (or sages, men of great knowledge), rather than self-elected. This sanctification of the noble ruling class granted longevity to their reigns and signified some degree of consensus among the subjects of these lords’ rights to govern. Their qualifications descended from heaven, and who can argue with a god?

RÍ = “King” in Gaelic ARĪ (ARI’I) = “King” in Tahitian ALĪ (ALI’I) = “King” in Hawaiian and Sāmoan ELI = “Lord” in Aramaic/Hebrew REY = “King” in French REI = “King” in Latin RĀ / RĒ = “King of the Gods” in ancient Egypt (Sun God)

* note about liquids and rhotics, /R/, /L/, /U/: These sounds belong to a class of consonants called #liquids and are the most likely consonants to occupy the nucleus slot in a syllable which is usually assigned to #vowel sounds. /L/ sounds are #voiced #lateral #approximants where air streams alongside the tongue in the mouth, with /R/ sounds being termed #rhotics that are quite flexible in terms of phonetic representation, including alveolar tap, which is more like the short trilled /r/ in Latin languages, I.e. “pero” for “but”, versus the longer rolled /r/ as in perro for “dog”. Compare this to the French /r/ as in #français, which possesses more of the laryngeal, breathy, vowel-like /u/. ===========


MOANA = “the deep sea” MUA = “original”; “first”; “before” GAGA’E = “Eastward” GAGANA = “speech”; “language” A = “of” LE = “the” FE’E = “octopus god”


#Morgan (“Sea-born”) Le #Fay (“the Fairy”, “the witch”) was the famous/infamous Faery / witch of Celtic legends in the time of Arturus Rex (King Arthur), sometime adversary and sometime ally of Arturus. Said to be his half-sister, she came from #beyond the #Sea in the #East and was rumored to be a member of the Tuath Dé Danann, and possibly her name was a corruption of #Morrigén, a class of divine being akin to angels or fallen angels.

It is said that the Tuath Dé set up many of the ancient megalithic structures in Ireland and neighboring Celtic regions. They used magic and song to raise the stones and position them.

Perhaps a clue lies in the MOANA GAGA’E LE FE’E reading of Morgan’s name, as GAE’E means “to move a stone by means of a lever” and GAGA means “to give permission”. GAEGAE and GAELE mean “to shake”, “to oscillate”.

Perhaps these ancient magicians used sound and principles of resonance in order to vibrate large stones weighing many tons in order to maneuver them inch by inch across the surface of the landscape. This technique is now being studied in an emerging field called #acoustic #levitation.

In Samoa on ‘Upolu there is a megalithic site dubbed Le Fale ‘O Le Fe’e. Here the name means “House of the Octopus (God)”. An identical story comes down through oral tradition from prehistory that demons (aitu) employed by Le Fe’e quarried and erected the many ton coral-slab and stone “house”. These aitu used arcane arts which manifested as a “roaring sound” that rumbled throughout the highlands deep in the night over a millennia ago.

Sound and stone. The parallels are extraordinary, too similar to be merely coincidence. Two islands at opposite ends of the world, peopled by very different natives, visited by an extraordinary class of sages from beyond the sea, regarded as demonic or angelic beings, and who employed some kind of song or elemental sound like thunder or trumpets to manipulate stone. This should be immediately recognizable to the people of the book in the story of the walls of Jericho where stamping of feet, and sounding of many shofar trumpets brought down the fortified walls of a proud city.

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