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Writer's pictureIosua Ioane Fānene

Ancient Trans-Pacific Meso-America & Mesopotamian connections: Anubis = Charon = Urshanabi = Xolotl

Updated: Jul 18, 2019

I propose that the Egyptian god Anubis and the Aztec god Xolotl are one and the same deity who aside from having very different names and stylistic representations in art share more attributes. Further, the bridge between these two deities is the Pacific Ocean and the people who populated the vast emptiness of the Post Deluge Oceania.

In order to arrive at this conclusion, I propose the following assertions:

  1. Egypt is The Underworld of most world mythologies - their preoccupation and ostentatious preparation for the afterlife warrants the epithet.

  2. The River of the Dead is not only a river, but also Seas and Oceans, namely a long and treacherous journey by water of any kind.

  3. Boats that sail through the sky are the equivalent of chariots that ride through the sky and that the metaphor of riding through the sky translates to a journey by ship across the Ocean, because the vast ocean meets the sky and the two become mirror reflections of each other.

  4. The role of Ferryman and Judge of the Dead serve the same purpose -- deciding who is allowed to traverse the way between Mesopotamia and Egypt and Meso-America.

  5. Meso-America was Paradise, Heaven, a place only the divine were allowed to enter.


Hypothesized pattern for linguistic drift:

Xolotl = Xollotll = #Coyotl = #Coyote

Now that's interesting--Just as today the term "Coyote" is applied to guides who broker entry back and forth across the border between the U.S.A. and Mexico, in ancient times, the black-dog god, who accompanied the SETTING sun (going west) and protected it from its enemies, was called Xolotl.

#Psychopomp: from "soul" / psyche- and "send" / -pomp

#Xolotl was a psychopomp who conveyed the souls of the dead to the Land of the Dead, the Underworld. He was responsible for judging the dead as well for their worthiness for gaining entry into paradise. He was a twin brother of #Quetzalcoatl. His attributes were:

  • guardian against evil spirits

  • judge of the dead

  • psychopomp

  • black

  • dog

  • twins

#Anubis fulfilled exactly the same role:

  • guardian of Ra upon the solar ship

  • he was the half-brother of Horus, son of Osiris, heir of the title of RA

  • judge of the dead

  • psychopomp

  • black

  • dog

#Coyote of various Native American tribes: i.e. Achu-mawi (Maui?), Ma'ii, Ma'yee, Mai...

  • thief of fire (like #Maui and #Prometheus)

  • lechery

  • serial rape

  • clever

  • reckless

  • greed

  • resurrects

  • trickster

  • incest

  • one Indian tradition recounts that Coyote was present at the time of First Woman and First Man in the First World, much like Prometheus and #Enki were and who had pivotal roles in the creation of the human race

  • #Coyote teaches #Montezuma to build a canoe to escape a world-killing flood, just like Enki with UTA-napishtim, #Eā with #Atra-Hasis, and #Prometheus with #Deucalion (De-UKA-lion)...

About mountains:

I draw attention to the phoneme UKA / UTA in Noah’s other epithets “#Utnapishtim” and “Deucalion”. The morpheme means “INLAND” in Polynesian dialects and is a root of the Polynesian word for “mountain” - MA-UKA / MA-UGA. Deucalion may mean "The Mountain Voice". All of these characters survived the Deluge aboard ships that touched down on a mountain. Note that Mesoamerican megalithic civilizations largely arose in mountainous regions. Prometheus, too, was bound by Zeus to a mountaintop in (or beyond) the Caucasus range which symbolized to the Greeks the ends of the known Earth. What if in actuality Prometheus was exiled into the great unknown beyond the Caucasus for aiding man in the case of fire?

#NOA in the Polynesian language means “to bind”, "to stop", or “to arrest”, in Hebrew “to comfort“ (implying an end to toil in Adam’s cursed lands outside the boundaries of the paradisiacal gardens of #Eden/#Edin in Mesopotamia). Perhaps the boundaries of Edin represented the same nebulous netherworld to the Sumerians as the Caucasus did to the Greeks--the extremity of their influence and power early in their respective development as civilizations. In the same manner Polynesians used the name of Tahiti, Ka-Hiki and Fiti. Even today we use a crude version of this concept in the vernacular shortened to "BFE".

Speaking of Egypt...

A word about Anubis as rendered into Samoan:

/B/ is a voiced bilabial stop, meaning:

* the larynx produces sound while

* both lips purse together (at the point of articulation)

* to constrict the air flow between lips.

It is related to /P/ and /V/, with /P/ being a voiceless bilabial stop and /V/ being a voiced bilabial fricative, meaning:

* the larynx produces sound while

* one or both lips purse together (at the point of articulation)

* to constrict the air flow between lips or lip and teeth.

Since both /P/ and /V/ share an equal number of attributes, it is likely that both are relevant to understanding the meaning of ANUBIS as a Samoan word/name, perhaps even a title of office.

ANU PISI = "to spit" + "to fall" / "to splash with water"
ANU PISU = "to spit" + "to spread ABROAD"
ANU VI SI = "to spit" + "a shrub" + "discharge of semen" - probably not the intended translation
ANU VI SI'I = "to spew" + "praises" + "to lift" - this one is good
ANU VI'I SI = "to spew" + "songs in priase of a chief/king/pharaoh" + "a little" - not as good
ANU VI'I SI'I = "to spew" + "(uplifting) songs in praise of a chief/king/pharaoh/god" + "to lift" - this is really good, fit for a companion god of a sun god.

Incidentally, this echoes the relationship between the Hindu God #Vishnu (VISI’I-NU'U) (whose list of avatars include #Manu (MA-NU), a #Dravidian version of #Noah) the god who dwells atop Mount #Mandara at the heart of the Sea of Milk... and his companion #Vasuki (VA’A SU-KI / VASA-UKA-I / VA’A-A-ASU-KAI), a Naga Raja, one of the Dragon Kings, who thrice winds round Mandara in order to churn the Sea of Milk and produce the nectar of the gods. Aided by the turtle god #Kurma (KUR-MA) they facilitated the traffic of demons and gods back and forth between the two lands at either extremity of the Snake King.

SIDEBAR: Traditions and Attributes of serpents:
Serpents = power of/over/from WATER = traffic = communication = knowledge = wisdom = curiosity = mischief = magic = mysteries = venom = science = medicine = staff
All of these serpentine attributes are highlighted in the roles of certain gods, demigods and heroes like #Hermès, #Mercury, #Moses

Dictionary notes on Sāmoan etymology of Anubis:

ANU, subject.

a spittoon.

ANU, verb.

to spit;

plural. Feanu;

reduplication. Anuanu*, to spit constantly;

passive. Anusia. * (in the bardic, or poetic oral historical style "ANUANU" sounds like a play on words of Samoan "A-NUANUA", which means "of the rainbow", a rain phenomenon related to filtered sunlight. In Hawaiian it is the noun and intransitive verb combination "Ā.NUE.NUE" that means "rainbow") ** another meaning of ANU in the Hawaiian is "cold". In Samoan, the word is MA'ALILI, which may mean "stone of anger", where "stone"/MA'A is a synonym of the word FATU, which is "seed". This renders the meaning of MA'ALILI as "seed of anger". "Seed" is a universal metaphor for semen emittare, or ejaculate... that is to say "rain". In this case "rain that falls in anger" or "seed cast out in anger" is a hidden metaphor for the rainstorm that caused the Great Deluge. This reading supports the understanding of the Deluge as an account of exile, and diaspora by sea.

PISI, verb.

1. to splash with water; pass. pisia; redup. pisipisi.

2. To fall. On Upolu.

PISIA, verb passive.

1. to be infected, as with a contagious disease.

2. To be influenced by evil example.

PISU, verb.

to be spread abroad, as a report.

VI, subject.

1. the name of a tree, and its fruit. ʻO lona vi, of the tree; ʻo lana vi, of the fruit (Spondias dulcis).

2. The name of a shrub.

VIʻI, verb.

to praise;

passive. viʻia;

reduplication. viviʻi;

diminutive. viʻiviʻi. Ia tatou viviʻi ia, ia aofaga tini.

VIʻI, subject.

a song in praise of a chief. ʻO lana viʻi, of the poet; ʻo lona viʻi, of the chief. Faʻalupe fua le malae, anei e oʻo i viʻiga.

SI, adjective.

little. A diminutive particle often expressing endearment. Si ana tama.

SI, verb.

semen emittere. (a discharge of semen)

SI'I, verb.

1. to lift. Siʻi ifo le vaʻa e nofoafa.

2. To levy a fine. ʻUa siʻi le sala.

3. To carry war into a district or country. Na ia toe siʻi le taua i Lealataua.

4. To take oneself off in a grudge. ʻUa siʻi le teva a Tauaga;

plural. sisiʻi;

passive. siʻitia;

diminutive. siʻisiʻi;

reciprocal. fesiʻitaʻi.


Notes from Hieroglyphics for Anubis (jnpw):


𓇋 𓊪 𓅱 𓃣 = (y)A-NU-PA-AO

𓇋 = /y/ = i or j = reed {Gardiner List: M17} 𓈖 = /n/ = n = water {Gardiner List: N35} 𓊪 = /p/ = support, stool, stool made out of reed {Gardiner List: Q3} 𓅱 = /u/, /w/ = plural marker at end of word {Gardiner List: G43} 𓃣 = /jnpw ḥrj-sštȝ/ = Anoup heru i sashatigh = Anubis keeper of secrets = make secret, mysterious, make inaccessible, secret, confidential matter, (religious) mystery, problem {Gardiner List: E16}

Notes from cuneiform for Anubis (A-NA-PA) taken from Amarna letter EA 315:


𒀀 = A = heir 𒈾 = NA = stone; man 𒉺 = PA = foreman, foreseer; to beat

This reading of Anubis is reminiscent of the name of Gilgamesh's encounter with #Urshanabi, the Navigator of the Sumerian Noah named #Utnapishtim. 𒋀𒊹𒈾𒊂 <UR.SHA.NA.BI>

𒋀 = UR (ŠEŠ) = brother, assistant 𒊹 = ŠAR / SHAR = totality; world; (to be) numerous; 3600; 360° 𒈾 = NA = man; stone, pestle 𒊂 = PI = ear, hear; reason, intelligence, wisdom, understanding

Implications: #TAMERI plus ANUBIS in America as XOLOTL


TA-MERI is one of several epithets used by ancient Egyptians to refer to Egypt, not the Anglo-Greco-Egyptian term "Egypt" derived from the Greek Aegiptos. It means "Land" + "Beloved". As it was a land that one of their creator gods loved, namely PTAH, it would be termed Ta-Meri-Ptah, or "The Beloved of PTAH", "The Land of Honey of Ptah". This is to say that it was the land of the gods, probably from the time of the #ZepTep (, or the "First Time").


/T/ often transliterates to /K/ and then /'/, the glottal stop, as with Cockney English who might say Bri'ain in lieu of articulating the /T/. Applied to TA-MERI-PTAH we arrive at:


/P/ and /T/ when placed together often cause /P/ to be absorbed by /T/, such that /PT/ = /T/


Apply shift on the ending /TAH/ yields 'A-MERI-KAH.

"AMERICA", folks... Why are ANUBIS and TA-MERI-PTAH present in the Americas under any co-gnomen, shape or form? If this is a correct understanding of America is the land of the gods, the "land overflowing with milk and honey", The Promised Land, Heaven on Earth--well, at least it was for a time. By "America" I mean not just the United States, but also a land inclusive of all of Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America. This was a vast and undeveloped land that was forgotten by the inhabitants of the post-Bronze Age. If this is a correct understanding, what does it mean?

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