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Writer's pictureIosua Ioane Fānene

Man, Woman, Adam, Eve, Rib, Pain, Greatness, Multitudes, Desire, and Sexual Knowledge

The #Sāmoan word for “#mother” is #TINĀ (pronounced: tee-NAW).

The Sāmoan word for “#pain” is #TIGĀ (tee-NGAW).

Already they seem to allude to the Old #Testament origin story of the curse of painful childbirths. One wonders how long they have been in the Sāmoan lexicon.

The Sāmoan words follow a rhyming scheme of /ee/, /aw/, which is often a signal they share a common root, or story, with the middle consonant switching between /n/ and diphthong /ng/ to alter the meaning. It recently occurred to me on a whim to look up the morphemes in #Sumerian language lexicons and cross reference them in several cuneiform databases.

This is what I found:

Each syllable literally means:

𒋾 = TI = “RIB”, “live”, “arrow”

𒈾 = = “MAN”, or alternatively:

𒈿 = = “to lay down”, “to be ill”, “to be split open”

Well...that’s definitely biblical. Sāmoan clearly acquired some influence from Sumerian language. It gets better:

Together the Sumerian for TINĀ: 𒋾 𒈾 means “GREATLY” in “greatly increased pain and travail”.

𒋾𒈿 as of yet remains undefined but extrapolation using the various definitions of TI and could yield:

“To live on”+”though laying down ill and split open” — a metaphor for immortality through the prop

Go we now to the book of #Genesis 2:21-23 where God creates the first woman, #Eve:


21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his #RIBS, and closed up the place with flesh instead thereof.
22 And the #RIB, which the LORD God had taken from the man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And the man said: 'This is now #BONE of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'


כא וַיַּפֵּל יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים תַּרְדֵּמָה עַל-הָאָדָם, וַיִּישָׁן; וַיִּקַּח, אַחַת מִצַּלְעֹתָיו, וַיִּסְגֹּר בָּשָׂר, תַּחְתֶּנָּה.
כב וַיִּבֶן יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הַצֵּלָע אֲשֶׁר-לָקַח מִן-הָאָדָם, לְאִשָּׁה; וַיְבִאֶהָ, אֶל-הָאָדָם.
כג וַיֹּאמֶר, הָאָדָם, זֹאת הַפַּעַם עֶצֶם מֵעֲצָמַי, וּבָשָׂר מִבְּשָׂרִי; לְזֹאת יִקָּרֵא אִשָּׁה, כִּי מֵאִישׁ לֻקְחָה-זֹּאת.

The Sāmoan words for “#pain” and “mother” sound like the Sumerian joined roots for “rib”/“arrow”/“live” and “man”. Out of woman, man lives on, but “arrows?”

In the ancient world arrows were symbolic of the seed or semen of gods and men. The life-giving rays of the sun god are often metaphorically described as arrows, hence Helios and Apollo, are associated with archery. It seems that “rib” is a metaphor for “penis”. Yes, that’s right, Adam’s rib was probably the first erection in human prehistory—a “Boner”. If you doubt this, know that the word “TI” / 𒋾 often appears with the Sumerian word for “weaponry”(“bow”)/“design”, “mathematics”(of bows)—

𒄑𒉼 / GEŠ.PANA or #BANA

In Sāmoan, “pena” is “knife”, “to cut”. “Pine” means “to be long”, hearkening back to the alternate meaning of / 𒈿 / “to be split open”. This may be a metaphor for intercourse, as well as childbirth where the woman is split open to afford entry of the man and eventually the exit of the child.

Then there is the matter of “greatness” used ironically in chapter three. God it seems is not above using sarcasm. The Hebrew double entendre and wordplay suggests that the source of Eve’s grief will go beyond childbirth but relate to the trials of parenting and perhaps the deaths of children for death had not yet entered THIS world and conflicts that arise among siblings had not yet entered the world. Canon scripture does not tell us what Eve felt upon first learning that Abel, Cain’s twin, was killed. The Apocryphal Book of Adam and Eve, however, does inform us that an angel communicated to her of the death of her son and her grief. One interpretation of ארבה עצבונך והרנך is “increase your sadness and tenderness”, which hints that Adonai’s words were less of a curse and more a matter of fact statement—an articulation about natural consequences.

16 Unto the WOMAN He said: 'I will GREATLY multiply thy PAIN and thy travail; in PAIN thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.' (Genesis 3:16)


טז אֶל-הָאִשָּׁה אָמַר, הַרְבָּה אַרְבֶּה עִצְּבוֹנֵךְ וְהֵרֹנֵךְ--בְּעֶצֶב, תֵּלְדִי בָנִים; וְאֶל-אִישֵׁךְ, תְּשׁוּקָתֵךְ, וְהוּא, יִמְשָׁל-בָּךְ

The Hebrew text merely talks about how Eve will conceive a multitude of children like locusts—starting with sons, because Adam will “cook” them in her (belly). The pain in childbirth is only nominally alluded to, but derivative of an increased fertility, or sex drive.

What exactly did Adam and Eve eat in the Garden of Delights? It sounds like an aphrodisiac...

On other fronts of Polynesian culture, the proper care and custodianship of “the BONES of our ancestors” is an important aspect— #IVI / NĀ #IWI. They are regarded as #TAPU (taboo, sacred), and the house of a person’s #MAGA / #MANA (spiritual power).

IVI” is “bone”, and the plural marker. Such that “nā ivi” = “bones”.

The #Māori word “kiwi” is probably a contraction of “KA IWI”.

It sounds exactly like “EVE”.

Two of the nearest approximations for EVE or IVI in Sumerian is E-BA or E-BA-E / 𒂍𒁀 / 𒂊𒁀 /

𒂍 = E = “house”, “temple”, “estate”

𒂊 = E = “to speak”, “to form human speech”

𒂊 = E = “fear”

𒁀 = BA = “to split”, “to divide”

𒁉 = BI = “beer”, “open”

(Hmmm. ”house”/“divided“. Where have we heard that?)

𒄿 = I = see IA

𒅀 = IA = “5”, “pairs”, “set (5-fingered hands)”, “eye”+”water”/“semen” (I + A)

𒅁 = BI = “bent over”, “bent”, “bowed”, “nook”


* A “pair" who are "bent over" with "semen“ flowing from one to the other.

* ”divided”/”outcast” (from God’s) “estate” (held at bay from returning by) “fear” (of the #Cherubim posted at the Western Gate to #Eden/#Edin.

* (capable of) “open”(-ly) “speech”(speaking)

This is very descriptive of the first act of copulation. I am inclined to think EVE is derived from I-BI / 𒅀𒅁 based on the ”bow and arrow” reading of TINĀ and GEŠ-PANA. However it could be a little of all the above translation, as revealed in the apocryphal “Book of Adam and Eve“ aka “The Conflict of Adam and Eve With Satan”, which originated in Ge’ez from the Ethiopic Jews of the 1st century, and later translated by Rev. S.C. Kalan, D.D. and published in 1882.

Next, compare the Sāmoan words "I", "II", "'I'Ī " and "VI", and "VII" as possible roots contracted in "IVI", as well as "EVA".

I = "on account of", "to feel empty" (said of the belly), "here", "to squeal or yell in a high-pitched voice" (as of childbirth)

'I'Ī = "squeak"

VI = "a large tree (Spondias species), the Otaheite apple tree, with its edible fruit"

VI'I = "to glorify"

EVA = "to stroll" (under the moonlight)

This interpretation might be a stretch— the #Hebrew word for Hebrew is:

עברי / “IVRI”

It means “one from beyond” and is applied to both Israelites as well as their patriarchs, particularly #Eber, the great grandson of #Noah, which means “has moved”.

According to one account of Eber’s origin, he refused to participate in the construction of Nimrod’s (Orion’s) Tower of Babel, an act of rebellion and retribution on Nimrod's part against the Elohim for flooding the world in Noah’s time. Because Eber did not participate, his language was not confused and thus he and his descendants continued to speak the original #Adamic Language.

Maybe Sumerian was the closest pre-historic link we have to the Adamic Language and maybe some languages that have survived in isolation for thousands of years are the closest living links we have to spoken Sumerian. Perhaps it is embedded in the chiefly language of Sāmoan and other Polynesian ali’i as well as indigenous Americans as with Aztecan Nāhuatl and Nàwat Pipil of El Salvador. Both Nāhuatl and Nàwat Pipil sounds like variations of Sāmoan NĀ TUA TALA / Hawaiian NĀ KUA KALA, or “histories” (literally: ”plural marker”+”behind”+”talk”/”story”). “Pipil” is the concatenation of “pilipili”, a serpent and genealogical reference that means “to be near” in a pluralistic sense. In other words: “pilgrims“.

Thus, in Sāmoan, Nàwat Pipil and Nāhuatl suggest “the oral histories of pilgrims“. Archaeology has revealed that the Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs were fanatically religious devotees to the sun and rain deities and went through periods of intensified, cruel demonstrations of their faith in relation to their ideas about sacrificial ritual.

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